Alex Jones gave a press conference about the attempt to close down Infowars today. He said that they are pushing to seize his personal property and even want to take control over his social media accounts.

The fate of his Infowars operation is still up in the air and according to the Associated Press it looks as if his personal assets will be liquidated to pay the Sandy Hoax people.

He also spoke about the court hearing on his way to a Houston courthouse this morning.

Taking his personal property and going so far as to try and take his social media accounts is beyond the pale. It shows conclusively that this whole agenda has been about silencing him and shutting him down because he is saying certain things that they don’t like. As I’ve said before, I fully support Jones and his right to free speech regardless of any particular disagreements I have with him.

The desire to seize his personal social media accounts has raised quite a few eyebrows. Here are some random reactions from various Internet personalities and political commentators.

The whole situation is crazy.

On a side note, I just wish Jones would stop using his free speech to bolster disproven Jewish narratives like the Holocaust hoax. You’d think somebody who has gone over every conspiracy angle imaginable could see that the Holocaust was a total fraud. It’s one of the most obvious hoaxes in human history. You just need to know how to do basic nigger math.

Avoiding discussion of the Jewish problem and agreeing with their Holocaust hoax hasn’t done Alex any favors. They’re still trying to destroy him. Let this be a lesson to other political dissidents.