Members of the coronavirus taskforce responsible for overseeing America’s response to the coronavirus have reportedly been quarantined due to coronavirus exposure. This includes top virus fraudster Anthony Fauci and the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Robert Redfield.

This is comical.

How the hell are we supposed to take any of these people’s recommendations seriously when they can’t even prevent themselves from being exposed to the doomsday plague? Especially when people like Fauci have basically been saying that we need to keep these idiotic lockdowns in place indefinitely.

These lockdown orders were originally put into place to prevent the hospital system from being flooded. They were never meant to stop the spread of the coronavirus because anybody with common sense knew that this was not practical. But yet, that’s the new narrative that’s being pushed to keep the lockdowns in place. That’s also mixed in with this nonsense about how we need to test millions of healthy people for no explainable reason before lifting the restrictions.

This is just more proof that these lockdown measures are stupid and should be removed immediately. The fact that Fauci and crew have been exposed and quarantined shows how futile all this is.

Clearly, the economy has been destroyed for no legitimate reason and it is being used as a political weapon by Democrats to destroy the orange man’s chances of a second term. It’s also being used to create a whole new dystopic society that’s based largely around the fear of viruses and germs.