As many of you know, everybody in the White House including Donald J. Trump the President of the United States of America caught the coronavirus. Each and everyone of those people died within 72 hours after catching it. The only person who survived the onslaught of the coronavirus death plague was Trump himself and he only survived it after snorting a kilo of Regeneron while he received treatment at Walter Reed.

Now Donald Trump Jr. has caught the coronavirus.

Unfortunately for Don Jr., he is guaranteed to die. Unlike his father, who was given a kilo of Regeneron due to his position as President of America, Don Jr. is not the President of America. Therefore he will not be given a kilo of Regeneron.

Don Jr. will be dead within 72 hours. That is a guarantee. The coronavirus is that real and deadly. If you don’t believe me, you are obviously a conspiracy theorist and are probably a shill for Vladimir Putin.