American doctors and scientists are trying to figure out if COVID-19 is responsible for the “unusual” spike in cancer after the scamdemic.

These doctors are either total shills or they are retarded.

Nobody has offered any evidence that COVID-19 was any different than the flu. For all intents and purposes, COVID-19 was a rebranded version of the flu driven by lunatic media hysteria. Therefore, looking into if COVID-19 caused a rise in cancer is just stupid.

The solution that was forced on people for this fake hoaxed pandemic were experimental gene therapy shots. These injections did not go through any normal vetting process.

It is just obvious that the spike in cancers are from the experimental gene therapy fake vaccine shots. The only reason they would want to investigate COVID-19 for the rise in cancer is to deflect blame away from the fact that the shots are the cause of all this.

How the fuck can’t people see this for what it is? Doctors and scientists are allegedly supposed to be some of our smartest people. If they’re pushing bullshit like this it gives people every reason to question both their credibility and intellect.