There is now a push by Democrats to defund police departments. This has already started in Los Angeles.

This move is being supported by that dyke soccer player and other celebrity assholes.

I hate the police more than anybody else. I probably hate them more than these brainwashed retards who are calling for police to be defunded based on emotional reasons. I just hate them for more nuanced reasons. The bottom line is that police have proven to be utterly useless and operate more like criminal gangs.

Take a look at this incident which went viral on social media last night. Even though I don’t think the cop was intentionally trying to do great harm to the old man, there was no reason for the old man to be assaulted like he was.

When the country was founded, police departments weren’t a thing. Law enforcement was meant to be handled by county sheriffs who were elected and held accountable to the people. Larger problems could be handled through the organization of civilian militias.

If this move to defund the police was about eliminating police departments and restoring law enforcement to what was envisioned in the Constitution, I would support it. But that’s not what the Democrats have in mind. They want to get rid of the police to create a vacuum that will allow blacks, anti-fascists and other rioters to go totally insane over the next few months.

I’d be very surprised not to see a widespread military deployment throughout the country as the chaos gets worse. The orange man is not going to be left without any other option as you have Democrat politicians deliberately advancing policies to try to make things as chaotic as possible.