Remember that dumbass scarf lady Deborah Birx? She was one of the top promoters of the COVID-19 virus hoax. She was a big promoter of the lockdowns during the last year of Donald Trump’s presidency after joining the COVID-19 taskforce. She was forced out of her job after telling people they couldn’t spend Thanksgiving with their families. She said this as she spent time with her own family that same Thanksgiving. The hypocrisy was too much so she had to leave.

She was testifying in front of Congress the other day and said that the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaxx was based on “hope” and not on any hard scientific data.

All the coercion and tactics used to get people to take these shots was based on “hope.” Go figure right? I’m not the least bit surprised. Everything about COVID-19 has been a lie and Birx was a big champion of these lies. At least she was forced to admit this about the vaxx.

Quite frankly, this evil bitch should be hanging from a rope by her neck until she is dead. The amount of damage she caused with her dumbass bullshit is incomprehensible. Both she and Anthony Fauci need to be arrested and given immediate death sentences. Unfortunately, they will likely both die of old age before they are held accountable for their monumental crimes.