The virus hoaxing mass murderer and faggot cocksucker Anthony Fauci was brought in front of Congress yesterday to explain his major role in the COVID-19 pandemic hoax. He had no good answers to explain his actions and cried about how he and his family were getting constant death threats.

Here are some posts/clips about it.

Here’s him crying about getting death threats.

The guy behind him made some funny faces when he cried about getting death threats.

There’s all sorts of material out there from the hearing. All Fauci did was lie repeatedly about his role in pushing this hoax and all the destructive measures that were implemented as a result of the hoax.

Simply put, the damage this one old man did to America and the world was incalculable. Regardless of what you believe about COVID-19 and its origins it was never any more dangerous than the flu. This fact is not in dispute. There was ample evidence of this early on and even I recognized this in March 2020 when I saw that people were filming empty hospitals everywhere. Despite this, Fauci insisted that it was a very deadly and serious thing that required lockdowns, masks and dangerous fake vaccine shots. The dangerous fake vaccine shots have conservatively killed millions of people already.

This insanity lasted for two years and Fauci was the primary individual responsible for most of this in America. If there was any justice in America, this piece of shit would have been hung from a rope years ago. The fact that this monster is still alive and hasn’t been sent to hell yet is a travesty in of itself.