The CDC has finally admitted that the death totals of COVID-19 have been wildly overblown. They have released a document outlining how out of the alleged COVID-19 deaths from February 2020 to early December 2020, only 6 percent of them were from just COVID-19. The other 94 percent of deaths were deaths attributed to other factors.

Read the document they posted for yourself.

This guy on Twitter accurately pointed out that if you apply the 6 percent figure to all the alleged COVID-19 deaths, you get the normal number of deaths that you would see during a normal flu season over the past two years. In fact, the number would be below your average flu season.

Here’s a screen grab.

They lied about these numbers to destroy the economy and implement bizarre dystopic agendas. Of course, we already knew that they inflated the numbers intentionally. This was admitted back in 2020 by the idiot scarf lady Deborah Birx and through other sources. I mean, they are claiming that people who got into motorcycle accidents died of COVID-19.

Anybody who still believes in this virus hoax right now is a total retard who should just kill themselves with Donald Trump’s deadly coronavirus injections.