Sunday, May 19, 2024

CNN is Getting Desparate

CNN is trying to cover up the corrupt and biased Robert Mueller led special counsel.

Italy: Police Protect Road Blocking Niggers from Angry Motorists

WTF are these subhuman African pieces of shit doing in Italy?

Xurious – Winter Chan 2017

More killer fashwave from the legendary Xurious.

Trump Speaks at the FBI

Trump's speech at Quantico.

Trump Broke CNN

CNN needs to be raided and shut down by the government.

Lots of People Want John McCain to Die

John McCain's death would bring great joy to the world.

Mark Dice on Sarah Silverman’s Fear of the American Flag

Sarah Silverman should deport her kike ass back to Israel.

It Happened Again!

Mark Dice dissects another fake news attack against the President.

President Trump Gives Remarks on Tax Reform

Trump speaks on tax reform legislation.

CNN Proves They are Completely Worthless

CNN is fucking retarded.