California Governor Gavin Newsom just said that all children must get the coronavirus death vaxx before they are allowed to attend school.

This makes Newsom guilty of trying to genocide children. This is not hyperbole either. This is literally what he is doing by mandating the death vaxx.

He’s justifying this insanity by falsely claiming that the coronavirus vaxx is no different than traditional vaccines that have been tested for many years. These shots are experimental and have not been properly tested. On top of that, we know they are killing and injuring people based on data that is publicly available.

Also, an FDA approval doesn’t mean shit as far as safety goes. We’ve seen the FDA approve all sorts of drugs that have later been found to be seriously problematic.

I wouldn’t even consider Newsom the rightful governor of the state. He won the recall vote because of mail-in fraud, so this order is illegitimate for many reasons.

It will be interesting to see how California parents react to this. I suspect that this is going to cause the ruling uniparty some issues. This measure is going to be far too insane for many people to accept.