CNN’s Brian Stelter was confronted at a forum comically called “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy.” He was a featured member of the panel and was questioned by a college student over why CNN has done nothing but push endless hoaxes.

The student Chris Phillips asked him about the Russia collusion hoax, Kavanaugh rape hoax, Nick Sandmann hoax and other hoaxes that CNN deliberately pushed to their audiences. Stelter responded with some bizarre statement claiming that Phillips was watching a different network.

CNN has been nothing but a Jewish hoax factory for years. Their track record is so terrible that you can pretty much assume that the opposite of what they are reporting is the real truth.

Stelter is quite the piece of work. Only an evil and deranged system would give a liar like this any sort of prominence. In a normal society, someone like this would have been fired from their job and totally ostracized for promoting endless lies.