Joe Biden and Zelensky signed a deal that commits the United States to supporting the Ukraine for another decade. Other G7 leaders are sorting out plans to give this corrupt Jew regime a new $50 billion “loan.”

It looks like the people inside Washington DC who wanted to scale back this failed agenda have been sidelined. This is actually somewhat surprising because there is no possible way they can manage this alongside what’s going on with Israel. Especially when you consider the collapsing state of the US Dollar and the economy. This can’t be sustained for another decade. It only ensures that all the corrupt deals will continue until the war reaches its ultimate conclusion which is obviously a Russian victory. As I’ve said repeatedly, the Ukrainians do not have the manpower to succeed. It doesn’t matter how much money the West dumps into this.

This also sends another signal to Russia that they’re going to have to destroy and eliminate the Kiev regime. They don’t really have any alternative considering these ZOG people have shown themselves to be totally unreasonable and insane. They’ve even sent nuclear warships off the coast of Florida and the ZOG fools just can’t seem to grasp the gravity of the situation. They think this is all fun and games even though what is developing is extremely serious in nature.