Joe Biden delivered another incoherent speech where he rambled about how democracy was under attack. He specifically said that the Paul Pelosi homosexual hammer attack incident was proof that democracy was under attack.

He literally compared that hoax to the J6 hoax.

Here’s some other commentary about Biden’s deranged speech.

Look, if this weird incident involving Paul Pelosi and a crazy faggot with a hammer threatens the entire democracy system that the United States government is allegedly based on, than that means this entire alleged democracy system is a failed system. It is a system that isn’t worth defending because it is so easily threatened.

The fact that Biden made this the focus of his entire speech is totally insane. We have out of control inflation, a collapsing economy and are on the brink of wars breaking out everywhere. But here we have Biden rambling about imaginary threats to democracy as if it is some sort of important issue to people.

Democracy is simply not worth preserving. It objectively sucks. It has allowed a bunch of parasite Jews to take over the country and use this senile puppet known as Biden to advance their evil agendas.

The sooner democracy collapses the better. Give me a dictatorship, fascism, monarchy or any other system than this.