Joe Biden just attacked Elon Musk because he said Twitter spews lies around the world.

He also said some nonsense about how there’s no editors in America and that kids won’t be able to understand what’s at stake.

This is coming from a person who helped forcibly inject millions of people with a dangerous fake vaccine, is helping start wars around the world and even supports child trannies. We’ve also seen endless lies posted from his official Twitter account.

The fact of the matter is that there has always been lies on Twitter. You could say the same about any other social media site. The real issue that Biden is purposefully not talking about, is that the lies were amplified because of a total lack of free speech and the censorship that existed on the site. Much of that censorship was actually coordinated by the regime that Biden is the puppet figure for.

Interesting that just days after Musk purchased Twitter that we see Biden suddenly being interested in lies being spread on it. He obviously does not care about lies being spread on it. He’s just angry that the lies that he and others have pushed on it could be more seriously challenged if Musk reestablishes Twitter as a free speech platform.

Contrary to Biden’s statement, the kids don’t need editors or censors telling them what to think or how to think. The only way for the truth to prevail is for there to be free speech. Anybody who disagrees is obviously more interested in spreading lies for some sort of evil or sadistic purpose.