Apple just announced that they’re going to integrate artificial intelligence into all of their core product lines. They’re calling it “Apple Intelligence” even though it is really just a rebranded version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT being layered over their operating systems.

There is nothing intelligent about this.

Who the hell even asked for this to begin with? These companies are dedicating all sorts of time, money and resources into developing things that nobody wants.

This is about as bad as the Microsoft Recall bullshit which just takes constant snapshots of everything you do on your computer.

Layering a third party AI product on top of the operating system means that Apple has no way of guaranteeing the security and privacy of the people who use their products. Granted, this was already questionable but this announcement just makes these things a given.

Hilariously, Apple has been claiming that all of your data will be private which is absurd when they’re literally relying on a third party product for all this AI shit.

Elon Musk has said that he would start banning Apple products at his companies if Apple goes forward with this.

Despite my many disagreements with Musk, he is 100 percent right on this issue.

All this crazy AI shit does not need to be integrated in with these operating systems. I just want a functional and secure operating system that is easy to use and let’s me do my work as easy as possible.

This announcement by Apple shows once again that this is a company in decline. I do not use Apple products and this just reinforces my decision not to use them.