Apple is now worth around $2 trillion which is completely nuts.


Nine years after Steve Jobs stepped down and thrust Tim Cook to the top of Apple Inc., the company is more valuable than ever — and so is Cook.

Apple’s share price rose almost 5% last week, leaving the company Jobs co-founded 44 years ago in his parents’ California home on the cusp of stock-market milestone: a market value of nearly $2 trillion.

It was valued at about $350 billion when Jobs died. Cook, meantime, has joined one of the most elite clubs for CEOs who didn’t actually found the companies they run: his net worth has eclipsed $1 billion, according to calculations by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

This just shows how fake this stock market rally is. There is no fundamental reason why Apple should be worth $2 trillion. This is the result of the Federal Reserve propping up the stock market by dumping a bunch of funny money into the system.

Apple has not been an innovative company for years. They’ve been relying on gimmicks and stupid bullshit to get people to buy new iPhone models which have few if any substantive improvements over previous releases. You could even make the argument that their product lines are stagnating and becoming worse. They’re just coming up with weird features that nobody wants and claiming that these features nobody wants is innovation.

Tim Cook is a gay faggot who sucks dick. He has led the company to ruin but investors are blind to this reality and keep dumping money into the stock because of its prestigious history and brand recognition. In reality, the company is a dead man walking and doesn’t have much of a future.

Just ask yourself how many people are going to be buying expensive iPhones or other Apple products while we are rapidly plunging into a horrible economic depression. The answer to that question says all you need to know about where this company is headed.