A huge ass hurricane called “Ida” just pummeled New Orleans. Millions are currently without power and the whole situation looks like it is going to be pretty bad. People were actually saying that they couldn’t do proper evacuations because of the coronavirus.

You might remember what happened back in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. The end result was mass lawlessness and fat niggers looting everything they could find. It was one of the first times where I felt that there was something seriously, seriously wrong with America.

Back then, America wasn’t as fucked up as it was now. America is now an insanely fucked up place largely because we have far more incompetent and stupid people holding leadership and positions throughout the government. We’ve let feminists, homosexuals, low IQ minorities and trannies occupy important jobs.

The end result of this hurricane could be far worse than Katrina.

Grab your popcorn and enjoy the show. This could get very funny very fast.