New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo has completely gone off the deep end. He is continuing to say and do increasingly more insane things. He’s now inciting mob violence against the President of the United States if he visits New York.

Cuomo is mad that Donald Trump has pulled federal funds from New York City and other Democrat-run cities due to their cozy relationship with communist and anarchist groups.

Yesterday, Cuomo even claimed that Trump let the coronavirus ambush New York City. This despite the fact that he provided the city a huge hospital ship that few if any patients were moved into. Cuomo even praised Trump’s efforts at one point. Everything he says in this tweet is a lie.

But the fact that he is inciting mob violence against Trump is highly illegal. He should be arrested for this and his role in putting coronavirus patients into nursing homes. He deliberately put sick people in with the very population that was most vulnerable to the flu virus. He did this intentionally to kill people so the death numbers would be increased. That way he and the Democrats could continue whining about how allegedly real and serious this whole virus hoax is. Even though we know it is literally no more dangerous than the flu.

Of course, I don’t expect he’ll be arrested for anything since the Department of Justice run by William Barr just talks and doesn’t take action on anything. They’ve done next to nothing about the Russia hoax and all of this mob violence that we’ve seen across the country.

The bottom line is that Andrew Cuomo is a stupid cunt and a first grade piece of shit. When he dies he will be in hell regardless of if he is held accountable for his crimes in this life or not.