American Airlines has reportedly suffered a systems “glitch” that has left 12,000 July flights without pilots and/or proper crew.

This news comes as we have pilots with different carriers striking because they believe they are being overworked and underpaid.

Turns out pushing a deadly injection on pilots, crew and operational staff over a fake pandemic wasn’t such a great idea. Now the airliners can barely operate. They are having all sorts of operational issues as countless flights are getting delayed or cancelled.

This news of a “gltich” could just be an excuse to hide that they don’t have enough pilots and staff to operate the flights they sold. Of course, the “glitch” could be real if they are paying a bunch of Indians to run their IT systems. It’s honestly hard to say.

Whatever the case, this is just another story showing how the United States no longer has a functional or reliable airline transportation system. It has been bad for many years, but now the entire system seems to be crumbling.