A new poll from NBC News is stating that 75 percent of Americans think the United States is heading in the wrong direction.

I’d like to know who the 25 percent are who believe things are going well. Those people must be retards or trolls because there is literally no reason to believe that the US is going in the right direction. Of course, these polls are skewed to make things seem better than they are so there is that aspect to consider.

The bottom line is that the United States is at the heart of a Jew-run empire that is totally collapsing in on itself. The US losing is its ability to project power around the world politically, economically and militarily. What we have seen in Afghanistan and now in the Ukraine is proof of this. We also see more and more countries abandoning the US and are striking deals with China and Russia.

We also have a federal government that has been waging a war against its own domestic population. Every policy coming out of Washington DC is meant to attack and destroy the WHITE Americans who have maintained this country since its founding. We have a rigged election system, open borders, a totally corrupt judicial system, a currency that’s rapidly declining in value and all sorts of other major societal problems.

Unfortunately, I don’t expect anything to improve in the near term. I think it is far more likely that this ZOG system will collapse like the old Soviet Union did before anything actually gets better.