Check out this post about George Floyd from Genocide Joe’s POTUS account.

I can’t believe that this post is still up on Twitter/X. Surely posts containing homosexual interracial necrophilia is not allowed under X’s terms of service and that’s exactly what we have here. This post shows Joe Biden sucking on the cock of a drug-addicted nigger who has been dead for four years. It is a very gross and obscene act that people on the Internet should not have to see.

Unfortunately, Biden isn’t the only one who has chosen to suck on the cock of this dead nigger.

Take a look at some other posts from these filthy cocksuckers.

Floyd was a criminal nigger who died from a drug overdose. He was not a victim of police brutality as all these liars falsely claim. Everybody knows this yet here we are four years later and these people still want to suck on his dead nigger cock.

The good news is that there’s plenty of people who are just as offended by these sick people sucking on this dead nigger’s cock.

Fuck George Floyd. The nigger is burning in hell as we speak. He was a worthless piece of shit for countless reasons. Anybody who sucks on his dead nigger cock will end up in hell with him.