The Zionist lunatic Pat Robertson has come out attacking Donald Trump for not conceding the presidential race while claiming that Joe Biden fairly won the election. He actually said that Trump lives in an alternate reality.

This massive election fraud has really made people show their true colors. Robertson has been around forever and has always been a shill who pushed a pro-Israel, Zionist agenda. But he did it under the guise of him allegedly being a Christian who put America first. The boomers unfortunately bought his bullshit hook line and sinker for many decades.

With him telling Trump to move on and to ignore the biggest election fraud scandal in all of history, he has ripped the mask off and fully revealed himself as a shill of the highest order. It is totally against Christianity to embrace and ignore such a fraud. Especially a fraud that has been so massive.

When Jesus saw the money changing fraud that Jews were pushing on people in the temple, he rose up and attacked them. Jesus would have demanded Trump fight this fraud just as Jesus attacked the Jewish money changers for their swindling.

Robertson is a fake Christian and he will go to hell when he is dead. Since he is in his 90s now, we can assume that his journey to hell will take place sooner rather than later.