The worthless shitbag loser Kevin McCarthy has announced that he will be resigning from Congress. He’ll be gone before 2024 rolls around.

To hell with this traitor.

I’m not going to bother going over all the ins and outs as to why McCarthy was such a wretched figure as that should be obvious to anybody who is a regular reader of this site.

What’s interesting is how people are concerned that his resignation could make the Republican majority in the House even smaller. This is not something I could give a damn about. What have Republicans done with the slim House majority outside of holding pointless hearings about Hunter Biden’s sex life and posting endless rubbish on social media? It took them almost a full year just to release the J6 tapes but only after McCarthy was forced out as House Speaker. They’ve spent the remainder of their time telling us how much they love Israel as they do a genocide in Gaza.

The American political system is such a farce. The fact that this clown rose to one of the highest political offices in the land is a testament to what a farce it is. He will not be missed. Maybe if we are lucky he will die of GRIDS so we can piss on his grave.