Harry Reid the former Senator from Nevada who played a prominent role as Majority Leader during the Obama era died a few days ago.

Normally I don’t like speaking ill of the dead, but Reid was a terrible piece of shit and is no doubt in hell right now. So I have no problem making an exception for him.

The reason why I know he is in hell is because every bad person imaginable is saying what a great person he was. Here are a few examples.

Reid was not a good person. He was horribly corrupt and helped push terrible things like Obamacare and the Iraq War. Some have argued that he was one of the most corrupt individuals in the history of the US Senate.

This tweet says all you need to know about Reid.

Strangely enough, Reid was pushing for UFO disclosures in his final years. If I had to guess he was doing this to help prep for some type of UFO/alien hoax.

Whatever the case, this corrupt pile of shit is dead and the world is better off for it. May he rest in hell.