The World Health Organization otherwise known as WHO or Dr. WHO keeps claiming we should be really scared of the bird flu.

They’re claiming it has infected cows and chickens.

There’s no reason to believe anything these criminal WHO terrorists have to say about anything. They literally helped fake the COVID-19 pandemic and pushed deadly fake vaccine injections on people. So based on that, why would anybody believe anything they say about the bird flu or anything else for that matter?

This is clearly being pushed for a variety of nefarious agendas. It is possible that they are pushing this to justify the mass culling of cows and chickens to cause food shortages. Of course, there could be many reasons why they are pushing this and none of the reasons are good reasons. The last thing they care about is people’s health.

The WHO needs pandemics fake or otherwise to justify its own existence. The people associated with the WHO are all sick in the mind and soul.