Check out this latest bullshit coming out of Washington DC.


US President Joe Biden does not want the standoff with Russia over Ukraine to trigger a global war, the White House national security spokesman has said.

John Kirby was speaking days after the White House confirmed that Biden had granted Kiev permission to use US-supplied weapons for strikes deep inside Russia.

Ukraine had requested an easing of restrictions on the use of foreign arms after Russian troops launched a new offensive in Ukraine’s eastern Kharkov Region last month, capturing several border villages.

“We’ve been concerned about escalation since the very beginning of this war. And those concerns remain valid,” Kirby told ABC News on Sunday. “The president has said he does not want to be responsible for starting World War III. We’re not looking for a conflict with Russia, another nuclear power.”

Kirby said Biden “had understood all of the ramifications” of allowing Kiev to use American weapons “for counter-fire purposes.” He reiterated that Ukrainians were only permitted to target bases, artillery positions and other military sites “that Russians were using to create some sort of buffer zones.”

Kirby says that old Joe doesn’t want World War III even though he has agreed to escalate the conflict with Russia in the Ukraine repeatedly. Why would he officially give the Kiev regime a green light to attack Russia with American weapons if he wanted to avoid a shooting war? That was just the latest in a long series of escalations against Russia.

On top of that, old Joe keeps arming Israel despite them committing all sorts of insane genocidal crimes in Gaza. He has only given lip service to the idea of peace while doing nothing of substance that would bring about peace.

There’s also the continued arming of Taiwan meant to further agitate the situation with China.

So no, old Joe definitely wants a third world war. He is very much pushing the world into all of these unnecessary conflicts. To say otherwise is just a ridiculous and crazy lie. I don’t even understand how these people can get up in front of the whole world and just state these lies.

Simply put, if old Joe and all these other ZOG people did not want war they would be engaging in meaningful dialogue and negotiations. Instead, they just make endless demands and refuse to accept any sort of compromise. It’s their way or the highway every single time.