Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto received a positive COVID test despite being fully vaxxed. Cavuto claimed that his situation would have been far worse if he had not received the vaxx.

How stupid is this?

The shots are theoretically supposed to prevent you from catching COVID. You are supposed to be immune from COVID after taking the COVID vaxx. But in this case, it did not prevent Cavuto from catching COVID because he tested positive for it. This means the shot that he took didn’t do a damn thing.

Why would you praise the shot, when it obviously did not work? This is just retard-tier mental gymnastics we are seeing from these propagandists.

Sure, the COVID tests are fake and a hoax in of themselves, but taking everything at face value it is insane for someone to praise these shots when they are obviously ineffective.

If the shots actually did what they say they do, people would not be testing positive after being vaxxed. Take Singapore as an example. You can easily argue that the shots are making the problem worse.