The corporate media in America is a such a joke. Here’s another story proving what a joke they are.

The reporter who did this was some millennial skank.

USA Today is a major organization with all sorts of resources, yet they allowed this reporter to fake sources on 23 articles before they got wise to what was going on. How does it take an editorial staff that long to figure out that their reporter was just making shit up? Either that’s gross incompetence or purposeful negligence.

Even crazier is that USA Today has been used to check facts for Facebook and reportedly other social media sites. Quite the thing when you consider they couldn’t even fact check their own material.

Many of these so-called “journalists” are egomaniacs who think their job is far more important than it really is. That’s why some of them succumb to the temptation of making up fake stories for clout and recognition.

Of course, there are also many other fake news narratives that just get pushed for the sake of various political agendas. Take in point the Trump-Russia hoax, virus hoax etc.. I’m not aware of any reporters getting fired for advancing these proven hoaxes because these were big lies championed by entire Jewish power structure.

I’ve been writing articles on the Internet for years and I’ve never had to delete 23 articles from my websites because of content I made up. If I ever did something like that I would resign from the Internet in shame and live the rest of my life in a cave.