The arrogance from the ZOG assholes in Washington DC is truly hard to believe at times. They are reportedly talking about maintaining some sort of “prominent” role in a post-war Gaza.


The US wants a “prominent” role in Gaza after Israel’s military operation in the Palestinian enclave ends, Politico has reported. Washington expects a joint Palestinian-Arab force of several thousand troops to take charge of security in Gaza after the current conflict.

On Thursday, Politico reported details of discussions within the administration of US President Joe Biden about what a post-war settlement should look like, citing four officials and a leaked document from the Department of State.

The US reportedly wants to retain a “civilian adviser” to any future security force, likely based in Egypt or Jordan. American forces, however, would “never enter Gaza itself” in order to avoid the impression that Washington was “dictating the future of the territory.”

Maintaining any sort of influence over Gaza after this war is over may prove to be an impossibility. There is no guarantee that Israel will even exist when this whole thing concludes. The Jews are losing against both Hamas and Hezbollah and the US economy is in an economic depression. If the US can’t prop up Israel with weapons due to the US Dollar being devalued into worthlessness, Israel won’t be able to sustain its war efforts. Jews will flee like the rats that they are and the whole Zionist project will collapse in on itself.

It is really quite bold and arrogant of these people to claim that they can have any sort of influence in this region with all that’s happened. The world is sick of the bullshit coming out of the ZOG midwits in Washington DC and increasingly want nothing to do with their insane faggotry.