There have been more stories in the media highlighting the recruitment challenges that the United States military is having.

The AP ran one talking about how a top general is forecasting unprecedented military recruitment challenges over the next few years.

Jesse Kelly hit on some of the reasons why fewer and fewer young men want to sign up.

He’s 100 percent correct of course. The US military is collapsing just like America and its global military empire.

I honestly have no idea why anybody would want to risk their life for a country that has become a degenerate cesspool of race-mixing, feminism, homosexuality and trannyism. Never mind the fact that these ridiculous ideologies have become institutionalized within the forces themselves.

There are obviously other factors as well like the COVID-19 death vaxx mandate and this insane push to do war against Russia, China and Iran.

There is simply no way the US will be able to sustain this gay Jewish empire with these recruitment problems. They could try implementing the draft, but that will only cause more problems and it might be too late for that to even work.

If they do have a draft though, homosexuals, trannies, Jews, women and blacks should be the first ones called to service. After all, this entire system is built to benefit these groups of people first and foremost so they should be the first ones who are selected to fight and die for it.