The American economy is fucked. As the title indicates, it continues to blow big hard sweaty cock. There is little if any good economic news in America. We are in a depression and we are totally doomed. The US dollar doesn’t buy shit. That is just the reality of the situation.

Here are some recent developments in this fake and collapsing Jewish economy.

Starbucks stock crashed hard the other day. Its CEO even went on CNBC to talk to the Jewish financial criminal Jim Cramer to try and calm investors. He only succeeded in making the stock plunge another five percent as he spoke to Cramer.

Peloton the maker of those stupid Internet-connected bikes that became a big fad during the scamdemic hysteria just cut 15 percent of their workforce. Their CEO also quit.

McDonald’s stock recently got crushed after a poor earnings report. The prices they have been charging for their food is outrageous considering how poor the food quality is. They’ve priced out many lower income people.

Jewish Google is laying off American workers and looking for cheaper labor in foreign countries.

We’ve already talked about all the issues going on at Tesla in other articles.

The situation is not good. In fact I would describe it as pretty fucking horrible.

What else can be said?

Fantasyland is over! We’re in big trouble! There is no tomorrow!