The Jewish rules-based democratic government of the Ukraine is continuing its attacks on a nuclear power plant controlled by the Russians. They are apparently trying to hit a part of the facility that stores radioactive waste. If they are successful in hitting it, the explosion would have the same impact as a dirty bomb.


The Ukrainian military has fired multiple rockets directly at coolant systems and nuclear waste storage site inside the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in Energodar, local government administration member Vladimir Rogov told Russian media on Tuesday. He warned that a successful strike may result in a radiation release equivalent to a “dirty bomb.”

“One of the guided missiles hit just ten meters” from the barrels with spent nuclear fuel,” Rogov told Soloviev Live. “Others hit a bit farther away, 50 to 200 meters.”

Since the storage site is out in the open, any hit will result in the release of nuclear waste ranging from dozens to hundreds of kilograms and contamination of the area, the official explained. “In plain language, that would be like a dirty bomb,” said Rogov.

While the reactor itself can only be destroyed with a tactical nuclear weapon, the coolant systems and waste storage are far more vulnerable and damage to them could easily cause a disaster, the official said. Ukrainian troops have already fired “several dozen” heavy projectiles at the cooling systems, Rogov added. If they succeed in disabling such a system, it could produce a meltdown bigger than the 1986 catastrophe at Chernobyl.

Russian troops established control of the Zaporozhye NPP, Europe’s largest facility of the kind, early on in the course of military operations in Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine have been accusing each other of shelling the facility, warning that combat in the area could trigger a nuclear disaster. Russia accused Ukraine of launching artillery and drone strikes on the facility, denouncing the operations as “nuclear terrorism.” Ukrainian troops claimed that the Russians were shelling themselves to discredit Kiev.

Shelling a nuclear power plant like this is obviously insane. As I’ve said in previous articles, it is an act of desperation by an illegitimate regime that is losing and losing hard.

The Jew Zelensky in what looked like a deranged cocaine-fueled rant said some nonsense about how the world would lose if they didn’t take back the nuclear power plant. He comically claimed that the Russians would be at fault if there is a nuclear accident at the plant even though it is the Ukrainians that are attacking it. He also claimed that the Russians planted mines at the plant and other unprovable nonsense.

There have also been a number of pro-Ukraine shills claiming that Russia is attacking the nuclear power plant they control.

Take in point these tweets.

This is obviously ridiculous. Why would Russia attack an area that they already control? How does this make any sense? Are people really so stupid to believe this nonsense?

If they are successful in hitting the radioactive storage they’ll probably blame Russia for the fallout. There really is no end to their lies.

At this point, you’d think European governments would demand the Ukrainians end this lunacy. Intentionally trying to create a nuclear disaster would have catastrophic consequences for the region. You certainly don’t want something like this happening in your backyard. Not only that, but the longer this war goes on the more territory the Ukrainian side is going to lose to the Russians. They have nothing to gain from this conflict continuing.