A top British general is telling his soldiers that they should prepare to fight Russia in a third world war.

A third world war for what? Ukrainian border integrity? Feminism? Gay anal sex? Multiculturalism? Child trannies? These are not things any sane person would want to risk their life for. The UK is not even being threatened by Russia.

This is why I believe that if these people are stupid enough to kick off a third world war that the West will lose.

Not only that, but the people at the top of these systems are generally highly immoral and stupid people. They’ve made blunder after blunder after blunder as we have seen with the events in Afghanistan and the Ukraine. They are not competent enough to manage a third world war even with all the fancy toys they have. Plus, their economic ability to sustain a war machine capable of fighting Russia is highly questionable.

It is also worth noting that over the past few decades, NATO transformed itself into a force that was used to fight “terrorism” and the desert enemies of Israel. They don’t really have the equipment meant to take on the Russian army in a more conventional war scenario.