A BBC reporter named Nick Watt who has promoted all of the virus hysteria, lockdowns etc.. was confronted by anti-lockdown protesters for his role in spreading lies. He was rightly called a “cunt” and a “traitor” among other things.

Here’s the video.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson issued a statement defending the lying cunt Watt while claiming that the people demanding basic freedoms are evil for simply yelling at Watt.

Well Boris, the BBC and Watt are not reporting facts. They are deliberately lying to them to support all of your insane lockdown policies. That’s why these people are mad. Their lives have been upended thanks to what you and other people in the government have done to them. If Watt didn’t want a mob of angry people yelling at him in public, he shouldn’t have been feeding the public lies.

But if someone like Watt is the lifeblood of democracy as Johnson claims, then perhaps it is time to reconsider the entire concept of democracy. It hasn’t worked out so well considering the will of the people is never implemented.