Turkey has been bombing Kurds in the northern parts of Syria and Iraq recently. This Jew Eli David wants me to be sad about this for some reason.

Here’s another clip of the more recent bombings.

I am not sad about this because Jews are telling me to be sad. If Jews tell me to support a group of people I do the opposite because all Jews lie and they lie often.

The Jews have historically supported the Kurds because they have been a means to cause problems for various countries in the Middle East. The Jews have purposefully enflamed tensions and differences so the Middle East would not join forces to oppose them.

The Turks also don’t have control over the United States government. Jews have tremendous control over the United States government. They use their influence to help and protect Israel at my expense. This is why I care what Israel is doing in Gaza. This squabble between the Turks and the Kurds is not one I give a shit about because it has no real direct or indirect impact on my life.