Donald Trump is reportedly very bitter at former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He apparently said “fuck him” when asked about Netanyahu in an interview. He also said that he was never interested in peace.

There’s all sorts of Jews talking about this.

It’s too bad that Trump didn’t have this exact attitude back in 2016. Instead, he pushed an agenda that was very pro-Israel as his Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner lingered in the background. Instead of getting the “Make America Great Again” agenda that we were promised, we got 20 percent MAGA and 80 percent pro-Israel garbage.

Kushner was effectively an Israeli agent in the White House. The whole situation was absurd and it is even more absurd that he is only now realizing that Netanyahu wasn’t a real political ally. If only he recognized the same thing about Kushner we might be living in a different world right now.

It’s too late now though. Trump is fading into irrelevancy especially since he has not come out strong against this lunatic vaxx agenda. In fact, he’s been telling his supporters that he believes in the vaxx.