I didn’t even realize that the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle was happening tonight until after it started. That’s how much I’ve been following domestic politics as of late. I did not watch the whole debate, but the parts that I saw made me conclude that it was a total joke.

Joe Biden babbled incoherently and looked like he could drop dead at any moment. Donald Trump didn’t have a tremendous debate performance, but he didn’t need to have a tremendous debate performance because half of what old Joe said was unintelligible gibberish.

The Trump of 2015 and 2016 is gone. I felt like I was watching a totally different person. The two basically argued over who would be better for Israeli kikes, niggers and spics. They sparred over abortion technicalities and even got into an argument about golf handicaps. Even when illegal immigration came up Trump went out of his way to say that he’d be better for the niggers because he said that immigration hurts niggers.

Here’s some clips.

There’s already talk of pushing Joe Biden aside due to how horrible his debate performance was.

Gavin Newsom was in the debate spin room apparently for whatever that is worth.

After seeing this stupid farce of a debate, it has further convinced me that it doesn’t matter who wins this fake election.

America is on a path towards total doom and I don’t see how the outcome of this election is going to prevent total doom from taking place.