The legacy media is continuing its descent into irrelevancy. The Washington Post lost $77 million last year and has lost around half its audience since 2020.

This is a media operation that aggressively pushed lies like Russiagate, the COVID hoax among others. It is not a shock to see that they are in this situation. You can’t lie to your readers repeatedly and expect them to stick around. Granted, there are lots of stupid retards who love being lied to repeatedly but even some of those retards have finally started to catch on to the lies.

They’ve been gaslighting their audience for years.

They’ve also pushed all sorts of DEI hiring so the quality of their staff is not what it was even just a few decades ago. I mean shit, they employed that lying cunt Taylor Lorenz.

The legacy media landscape is a total disaster. It’s why sites like this exist. These people failed to do their jobs and decided to be propaganda organs for this diabolical ZOG system.