These people are really obsessed with making people eat bugs. So obsessed in fact, that they are encouraging starving Africans to eat them.


UK-financed aid projects in Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of the Congo are encouraging the hunger-stricken population of these African countries to introduce more nutrient-rich bugs into their diet.

As reported by The Guardian on Friday, the agencies are currently spending as much as $57,000 in the DRC and $346,000 in Zimbabwe on trialing insect diets with a view to introducing them to the local population.

In the DRC, the initiative is exploring the benefits of eating African caterpillars, migratory locusts and black soldier flies. It’s noted that there are some 23 species of insects, including termites and crickets, that are already consumed in the South Kivu region. However, the locals consume them opportunistically and gather them depending on the season.

They literally spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on this.


The West has all sorts of horrible problems right now and we have people in real life spending time, money and resources on telling starving niggers to eat bugs.

It is hard for me to find the words to describe how retarded this is. If Africans are too stupid to figure out how to feed themselves, they should be left to starve to death. That is the natural order of things and the way it should be.