Yesterday’s solar eclipse across America was for the most part a non-event. There were no acts of terrorism, no extradimensional portals being opened, no pre-tribulation rapture events etc.. This despite the CERN people firing up their supercollider and Jews doing some weird cow slaughter ritual. It just resulted in increased levels of traffic and some minor chaos around the path of totality.

I personally drove around three hours to get into the path of totality to check it out. I was in an area that had generally clear skies so I had a chance to get what I would consider to be the full total eclipse experience.

I am very glad I had a chance to experience it due to its rarity. One less item on my bucket list. It was a somewhat eerie but profound experience.

Just the fact that a natural event like this even happens, reaffirms my belief that the world we live in is not the result of some accident. It is more evidence that the world we live in is the result of intelligent design by a creator.