Dilbert cartoonist turned political commentator Scott Adams has been totally wrong about the deadly vaxx and has been trying to figure out a way to cope with how he has been so wrong on this issue.

In recent days he’s gone totally off the rails. Now he’s telling people that they shouldn’t watch the Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Robert Malone on COVID. He actually claimed that it is not useful for a non-expert to interview an expert on a topic and that this guarantees that you will be misinformed.

This is such a dumb argument it is hard to comprehend. He’s basically claiming that any interview ever conducted that doesn’t consist of two experts discussing a topic is somehow invalid and not worth your time. This is absurd as you can learn much from a subject matter expert who is simply talking about the knowledge they have acquired.

But as we know, the Jewish corporate media is not allowing anybody with dissenting opinions to challenge virus hoaxers like Anthony Fauci on their networks. Fauci is almost always allowed to spew his lies and bullshit totally unchallenged by the interviewer. He certainly has not been challenged by someone like Malone or other professionals who signed the Great Barrington Declaration.

I think the Rogan/Malone interview has sent Adams off the deep end. His Twitter feed looks like he’s having some sort of meltdown. Many of his posts are getting the ratio treatment.

It’s possible the vaxx he took caused his brain to malfunction. There is nothing coherent about what he is saying.

I think this is a phenomenon we will start seeing more frequently. People who took the vaxx are going to start losing their minds in larger and larger numbers. I’m expecting them to behave increasingly erratic and crazy as we move into 2022.