A top Russian MP has said that the United States Dollar has become “toxic.” He is of course 100 percent correct in this assessment.


Washington has completely undermined trust in the US dollar as a global reserve currency by using it as a political tool to impose “illegal” sanctions on Russia, State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin has said.  

The US government announced a new batch of sanctions against Russia on Wednesday, targeting the energy, metals, and mining industries, as well as the Moscow Stock Exchange and major lenders Sber and VTB. The measures, which cover 300 additional individuals and entities, are aimed at impacting trade between Russia and its partners in China, Türkiye, and Kyrgyzstan, as well as other nations in Central Asia, the Middle East, and the Caribbean.

Russia’s top lawmaker said on Friday that by using the dollar as an instrument of political influence, Washington has pushed other countries to increasingly abandon the greenback.

“The dollar has become toxic. Washington has totally undermined trust in the dollar as a global reserve currency by imposing illegal sanctions against our country’s financial institutions,” Volodin wrote on his Telegram channel.   

The US has absolutely undermined its status as the world’s reserve currency by using it as a geopolitical weapon. This was a very stupid decision as now the rest of the world is moving to unload their US Dollar holdings and strike deals with Russia and China.

The US Dollar’s days are numbered. Between the petrodollar agreement with Saudi Arabia expiring and all the other foolish war bullshit the ZOG people are doing, it is fairly obvious where all this is going. The end result of this is going to be a very big shitty mess.