GameStop (GME) stock continues to be a big story in the financial world. Here’s some of the latest developments.

We now have confirmation that Roaring Kitty unloaded his call options which were expiring next week. This has enabled him to own nine million shares of GME. Before this move he owned five million shares so this is an increase of four million shares.

The GME shareholders call that was scheduled for today had to be rescheduled due to technical difficulties. Apparently too many people tried to access the call and it crashed the systems. There has also been speculation of a possible DDoS attack on the systems hosting the call.

Looks like they’re going to try again on Monday.

The stock is currently trading in the high 20s as I write this.

Peruvian Bull has put out a new video going over all the specifics and details.

I don’t know where all this is going but it is going to be a wild ride for sure. This whole situation is exposing all the rot and corruption inside this fraudulent rigged stock market.