Republicans have been spending way too much of their time talking about Israel and declaring all the things they are going to do for Jews.

They are obviously not focusing in on the issues that are of most importance to the American people.

Right now the number one most important issue for the American people is Hunter Biden’s penis. We need to know what Hunter Biden has done with his penis and everything about his penis.

Patriotic Americans like Marjorie Taylor Greene were on the right track when she showed a photo of Hunter Biden doing sex acts with hookers during a recent Congressional hearing. We need more of this because what Hunter Biden has done with his penis is the most important thing to the American people in 2023.

It is just unfortunate that Marge has chosen instead to refocus her attention on aiding Israel even though Jews routinely spit on Christians, attacked America on 9/11/01 and destroyed he USS Liberty back in the 1960s.

We need more information about Hunter Biden’s cock and we need it now.