The trucker protests in Ottawa have been very peaceful over the past several weeks. In fact, crime actually went down with the presence of the truckers.

It only became violent after Justin Castro aka Justin the faggot Trudeau ordered martial law and directed police to violently crackdown on the lawful and peaceful protests. All because he refuses to drop unethical mandates requiring people to take a deadly injection produced by Jewish criminals.

Cops on horses trampled an old woman.

Even the corporate media took note of the trampling.

Talk about bad optics for the regime.

Some faggot ZOGbot cop assaulted somebody they were arresting for no reason other than the fact that he has no testicles and is upset at this sobering fact.

There’s all sorts of clips being shared of police violence on social media sites. Tons of livestreams have documented what has been going on.

And I guess they did find some traitor tow truck operators to take some of the trucks and vehicles. Police broke into an RV that had two seniors in it and towed it away with the brakes still on.

Chris Sky is reporting that the people they are arresting can’t be lawfully detained so they have just been dropping them off 15 to 20 minutes away from the downtown area.

This weekend will be interesting. The police were not successful in clearing everybody out. There are already reports of more protesters coming into the city. As I’ve said before, they can’t arrest and detain everybody. It is unfortunate that some tow truck drivers have agreed to do he regime’s dirty work.

Overall, the regime lost a great deal of credibility with this foolish crackdown on the peaceful trucker protesters. They’re going to continue defying the will of the people through the use of force. They have no other choice because of the high crimes they have committed.