Vladimir Putin in recent public remarks accurately stated that the unipolar world centered around the economic and military power of the United States is not coming back.


Those who believe that things are going to be back to the way they were before the breakout of conflict in Ukraine are wrong, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

“It is a mistake to suggest that the times of turbulent changes can be waited out and that things will return to normal; that everything will be as it was. It won’t,” Putin insisted during his speech at the the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Friday.

The changes that the world is going through at the moment are fundamental, radical, and irreversible, the president said.

However, the ruling elites of some Western countries refuse to notice this obvious shift and choose to “cling to the shadows of the past,” he added.

“For example, they believe that the dominance of the West in global politics and economy is a constant, eternal value,” Putin said. But “nothing is eternal,” he reminded everyone.

Since claiming victory in the Cold War in the early 1990s, the US has “declared itself the messenger of God on Earth, who has no obligations, but only interests, and those interests pronounced to be sacred,” the president said.

However, the idea of a unipolar world is flawed at its core,according to the Russian leader, as the norms of international relations can’t always be interpreted in favor of a single nation, “even if it’s a strong one.”

He’s 100 percent correct. The world is no longer dominated by the Jews who have controlled the power levers in Washington DC through their subversive influence. They have suffered two major geopolitical defeats in just the past year. Afghanistan being the first one and Ukraine being the second one.

In their hubris they have undermined their own ability to project power on the world stage with all sorts of reckless and insane policies. Everything they are doing is counterproductive to their own goals. They are destroying the economies of the countries that provided them this power while provoking conflicts that they can’t possibly win.

The Jewish project for a world government or New World Order is over.