Vladimir Putin has demanded that the Kiev regime remove its troops from Russia’s newly acquired territories and pledge not to join NATO in order for real peace talks to begin.


Ukraine must remove its troops from Russia’s new regions before any meaningful peace talks can begin, President Vladimir Putin has said.

Moscow rejects Kiev’s claims of sovereignty over five formerly Ukrainian regions, four of which voted to join Russia in 2022. However, fighting continues in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions.

Ukrainian troops must be removed from these territories, Putin said on Friday at a meeting with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and other senior Russian diplomats.

“I stress: the entire territory of those regions as defined by their administrative borders at the time they joined Ukraine [in August 1991],” Putin stated.

“Our side will order a ceasefire and start negotiations the minute Kiev declares that it is prepared to take this decision and starts actual withdrawal of troops from those regions, and also formally informs us that it no longer plans to join NATO,” the Russian leader pledged.

Putin outlined the conditions after condemning Kiev’s Western backers for allegedly preventing it from holding peace talks with Moscow while accusing Russia of rejecting negotiations.

Putin knows that the West and the Kiev regime are not going to do any of these things. The United States just signed a 10-year military support agreement with Zelensky at the G7. They’re also about to hold some stupid fake peace summit in Switzerland that Russia was banned from attending.

NATO head Jens Stoltenberg has already rejected Putin’s peace proposal.

It appears as if Putin is setting the stage for a serious military escalation in the Ukraine. Russia is simply not going to tolerate another decade of this insanity. The West is forcing Putin into this despite his best efforts to end the war.

What gets me is how the ZOG West thinks they can manage this war while simultaneously dealing with all the madness that Israel is involved in. The West is in serious economic decline and these military misadventures that are occurring on multiple fronts can’t be sustained. That’s why I was surprised that they decided to keep dumping money into this failed Ukraine war project. They’ve already lost but I guess they’re too retarded to understand this for whatever reason.