When myself and other patriots went to Charlottesville back in 2017 to defend a historical statue, we knew where all this was heading. We knew that if Confederate statues were allowed to be torn down, the next step would be the mobs going after the founding fathers.

Well folks, as predicted, it is happening. A George Washington statue was just torn down in Portland, Oregon.

I’m not sure what else to say at this point.

I’ve been speaking out about all the obvious problems this country has been plagued with for almost 15 years. I warned that if they weren’t adequately addressed, we’d be in a situation like this.

We now have revolutionary mobs of communists, anarchists and agitated blacks going crazy and they are all being supported by Democrats and people inside the government.

I have no idea if the country can be saved at this point. We are getting no pushback from anybody who is in a position to do something about these things. That includes Donald Trump, the Republican Party etc..

Not to sound pessimistic, but I believe that this is only going to get worse. We need to be realistic with what we are faced with.