After Donald Trump was convicted of bullshit nobody even understands by a corrupt New York City court, his political support has surged. He raised over $50 million dollars after the conviction.

He’s also received a bump up in the polls.

Trump is being increasingly viewed as a real nigger.

This guy doesn’t even like Trump but plans to support him any way.

Trump spoke for around 30 minutes about his conviction the other day.

Using these types of extreme Jewish lawfare tactics against Trump has not only made Trump a political martyr but it has further illustrated how the justice system in America is a totally corrupt farce. That’s probably the most significant aspect to all of this regardless of how you feel about Trump or his politics. When people no longer have confidence that the justice system is delivering justice, the end result is typically chaotic and violent.

As far as the election goes, what happens next is anyone’s best guess but Trump’s conviction in this kangaroo court trial only increases the chance of his return to the White House. Yes, the election system is rigged but all of this is just going to make it more difficult to be rigged. Trump is also perceived by many Jews as the better pro-Israel candidate.