A new study has concluded that the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 shots cause semen impairment.

Go figure right?

We still do not know the long term damage that these shots have done to people. The only thing we know is that these shots have done nothing good. They didn’t even prevent the very thing that the shots were claimed to stop people from getting.

Recently, top virus hoaxer Anthony Fauci got COVID-19 despite him being allegedly quadruple vaxxed.

Of course, the tests themselves are fake as well. The whole thing has been a massive scam. For all intents and purposes, COVID-19 was basically just the flu rebranded and marketed as something it wasn’t.

But going back to the shots, many people have died from the shots or suffered serious medical problems from them and still the government is allowing these products to be injected into people. It’s really quite evil and sick.

At this point, I do not really care about the people who took the shots. If you were so stupid that you would take an experimental injection over an obviously fake pandemic, you are probably too stupid to continue living. No job, no trip or anything else was worth taking these things.

There was never any evidence of a pandemic. It was just manufactured hysteria by media propagandists, politicians and government bureaucrats.